If showing charts is your #1 AR use-case, think again!

Don’t get me wrong, charts are great, but if you want to get the early adopters excited, you might instead want to emphasize with examples what AR can do for your workouts, your in-store shopping experiences, or your business conferences. And don’t forget about gaming and entertainment! I, for one, am hoping that using the AR glasses will be as much fun as useful.

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China's new digital currency – four key takeaways

The fact that The People's Bank of China (PBOC) was the first major central bank to launch its own central bank digital currency (CBDC) shows that China is not afraid of taking bold actions and can implement complex new systems much quicker than their American or European counterparts. Sometimes being first really does matter and I’m absolutely certain that there are lots of people within the Fed and the ECB who are justifiably very worried about the situation.

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Apple should re-enter the wireless router market

As I’m currently looking for a new mesh WiFi networking system for my apartment, I’ve been wondering about Apple’s decision to abandon the wireless router market back in November 2016. I’m hoping Apple would reconsider their decision regarding wireless routers and re-enter the market. It would be a powerful space for Apple to command. After all, Apple wants to be present all around your smart home and they’re working hard on technologies like HomeKit, Siri, and AppleTV. They’re also always touting the importance of security and privacy.

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The EU urgently needs its own chip manufacturing

If the US is feeling stressed about the global chip situation, the EU should be outright panicking. It’s high time that the EU has woken up and attempts to do something for the sake of “digital sovereignty”. Let’s hope the intervention doesn’t come too late, because in matters that are complex and capital intensive, change doesn’t happen overnight.

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Why not focus on Climate Tech then?

So if you’re like me, a tech enthusiast and wondering what to do with your life, why not focus on Climate Tech then? I for one am going to start paying much more attention to Climate Tech going forward, and I definitely want to learn as much as possible about the various technologies and opportunities emerging out there. Seems like a perfect object to focus on in order to find something meaningful to do with the time and resources I have at my disposal.

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NFT's – The digital equivalent of a signed copy of a photograph

You can make thousands of copies of a photograph, be it printed or digital. In both cases the cost is low, and one could argue that in the case of a digital photo, the cost is essentially zero. But you can’t copy a signature, be it a physical or cryptographical one, and for some collectors that has value.

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